Ai Weiwei’s Gilded Cage
Bradleys were approached by The Art Foundation to discuss corrosion issues, as they were planning to display the famous Gilded Cage Sculpture by the globally renowned artist Ai Weiwei. This Sculpture was a masterpiece which not only needed refurbishment and protection from corrosion, but also took into consideration four further requirements:
– An indistinguishable colour match
– Ensuring the structure remained sound
– Nothing to interrupt with re-fitting
– Cost efficient approach
The Gilded Cage is also a travelling sculpture which increased the need for a strong and durable finish.
Using a robust dual powder system, Bradleys first set out on a colour matching journey to achieve the right shade. This finally became a bespoke option which left the sculpture looking as originally designed.
Piece by piece the sculpture was then worked through and thoroughly shot-blasted clean to remove all corrosion. Cleaned to the SA2.5 standard, each section was then dual coated to provide a good design life.
For two years, Blenheim Palace, the birthplace and residence of Winston Churchill housed Ain Weiwei’s 25 ft Gilded Cage. Ai Weiwei created the cage in 2017 to address the refugee crisis across the world and visitors can walk inside the gold metal structure via a series of turnstiles to enjoy the experience. The sculpture currently resides in the UK having travelled from New York in 2018.
Project Data
Location – Travelling Sculpture
Sector – Sculptures
Completion – 2021
Items Coated – Sculpture
Substrate – Mild Steel
System – Powder Coat
Durability – 10 Years External
Finish – Special Match Gold