Angel Court

Handcrafted Aged Mild Steel Bar Front at Angel Court



Bradleys Metal Finishers was briefed to provide metal finishing services for the bar on Level 7 at Angel Court. The desired result was a very dark brown/black low maintenance finish to feature bar fronts which look the best and yet remain durable to withstand public use.

Another challenge was to achieve an aspiration within a restricted budget. Furthermore, other products had been considered to be metal coated and these were expensive as well.



By chemically aging the mild steel substrate we provided a superbly handcrafted metal finish which gave the lustre and character required. This kept the cost down and made it achievable.



A 1970s structure has been replaced with a new 25-storey octagonal tower, providing predominantly high quality office accommodation as well as retail on the ground floor.

The tower’s frame leans outwards up to the 10th floor, the remaining floors then extend up vertically, the glass facades providing outstanding views across the city.

It has achieved an EPC A rating as well as BREEAM 2014 ‘Excellent’ certification.

One of this building’s fascinations is it turns translucent in daylight!

The metalwork coated by Bradleys was for the bar on Level 7. Level 7 houses a business lounge and cafe exclusively for the occupants of Angel Court as well as a luxurious landscaped garden terrace with hedges and footpaths, providing extensive views over the city.

Angel Court won the ‘Tall Building of the Year’ 2017 award at the AJ Architecture Awards and is a finalist in the 2018 CTBUH (Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat) Awards, in the ‘Best Tall Building Europe’ category as well as being shortlisted for the 2018 RIBA London Award.

“Many thanks for your help, it is much appreciated.”

“I was at the club house on Thursday and saw the bar with your beautiful finish! It looks so nice! Hope we can soon see the feature wall looking stunning too!”

P. de la Malla

Project Data

Location – London EC2

Sector – Commercial & Retail

Completion – 2017

Items Coated – Business Lounge Bar Fronts

System – Steel-lite™

Durability – Internal

Finish – STE710 D – Bronze Sheen Dark

STE710 D – Bronze Sheen Dark